Grid Matrix
Grid Matrix is a two-dimensional, variable-size square matrix symbology that is designed specifically to encode Chinese characters. The symbol consists of an array of square blocks called macromodules, each with its own dark or light frame.
Grid Matrix can be printed in black on a white background or in white on a black background.
Grid Matrix is defined in AIMD014 Information technology, Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code symbology specification - Grid Matrix.
The symbol comprises the following elements:
The macromodules are arranged in a square checkerboard pattern that has an odd number of rows and columns. The black-framed and white-framed macromodules alternate throughout the symbol, forming a grid that acts as a finder pattern. The four corners are black-framed macromodules.
If there is not enough data to fill all the macromodules, pad codewords are added.
Each macromodule is a 6 x 6 module unit and encodes a layer ID number and two seven-bit codewords. The one-module frame does not carry data.
This symbology supports the following characters:
Grid Matrix uses the Reed-Solomon algorithm for error correction.
Five selectable levels of error correction are available, which enable a barcode that has had up to 50 percent of its codewords damaged to still be read properly. With maximum error correction levels, Grid Matrix can encode the following numbers of data types:
By choosing a lower error correction level, the number of characters that can be encoded increases approximately 80 percent for each data type.
Grid Matrix symbols can be 3 x 3 to 27 x 27 macromodules in size. A minimum quiet zone of six modules is required on all sides.