GS1-128 with CC-C
Composite Component C (CC-C) is a composite barcode component that can be used in conjunction with GS1-128. It is based on the PDF417 symbology.
CC-C is defined in ISO/IEC 24723 Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - GS1 Composite bar code symbology specification.
CC-C follows the definition that is specified in ISO/IEC 15438 Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - PDF417 bar code symbology specification with some differences, which include the following:
The first codeword must be 920.
CC-C is limited in size to 2,361 digits and characters.
The Reader Initialization codeword 921 must not appear.
No quiet zone is required above the CC-C component, and a separator bar must appear below it.
For more information about other restrictions, refer to the AIM GS1 Composite Symbology Specification document.
This symbology supports the following characters:
All numeric digits (0-9)
All uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z and a-z)
Special function character (FNC1)
Vertical bar (|) between the primary and secondary data
Special characters:
Exclamation point (!)
Quotation marks (")
Percent sign (%)
Ampersand (&)
Apostrophe (')
Opening parenthesis (()
Closing parenthesis ())
Asterisk (*)
Plus sign (+)
Comma (,)
Hyphen (-)
Period (.)
Slash mark (/)
Colon (:)
Semicolon (;)
Left angle bracket (<)
Equal sign (=)
Right angle bracket (>)
Question mark (?)
Underscore (_)
Space character
The row height of a CC-C symbol is a minimum of 3X, where "X" is the current X dimension (which must be the same as the X dimension of the one-dimensional component). A minimum quiet zone of 1X is required on the left and right.