Channel Code

Invented by Ted Williams and Andy Longacre in 1992, Channel Code is a one-dimensional symbology that is designed to encode numeric strings of two to seven digits in a single symbol in the shortest length possible. Six symbol sizes are defined, which constitute six different channels (Channel 3 to Channel 8). In general, the channel number corresponds to one more than the number of digits encoded in the barcode (for example, Channel 5 encodes four digits). Each digit can encode a range of values.

For a scanner to read a given Channel Code symbol, it must be attuned to the specific channel of the symbol. For this reason, it is recommended to manually set the channel of the barcode to the same channel to which all relevant scanners will be attuned.

Channel Code is defined in AIM BC12 Uniform Symbology Specification - Channel Code.

ClosedSymbol Structure

ClosedCharacter Set

ClosedCheck Digit

ClosedSymbol Dimensions
