
Telepen was developed in 1972 by SB Electronic Systems Ltd. in the United Kingdom. It is a continuous, variable-length, one-dimensional symbology that is designed to encode all 128 ASCII characters without using shift characters and to be highly reliable even when printed by ordinary printers that are not intended for barcode printing. Telepen was intended to be a competitor to Code 128 and Code 93. Its main use has been in university and other academic libraries in the UK.

Telepen offers a compressed numeric mode that has twice the density of the standard mode. Switching between modes is supported one time per symbol.

Telepen is defined in the AIM Europe Telepen Uniform Symbology Specification standard and is further described in the SB Electronic Systems Telepen - Barcode Symbology Information and History document.

ClosedSymbol Structure

ClosedCharacter Set

ClosedCheck Digit
